Hello, Welcome to your virtual support classroom. The site is designed to allow you and your parents to get involved with what has been and what will be happening in your classes.
I will post the daily homework assignments just in case you forgot to write them down.
On the right side of the site you will notice useful links.
These links cover the various subjects you are taking.
There are links for the books you will be reading in English class as well as several tutorials for Algebra & Geometry and earth science.
below is an eltronic version of my support class expectations.
This is due back tomorrow 9/7 .
Have your parents read it and sign it.
Bring in the signed portion.
You will also have an opportunity to post appropriate comments related to your classes to me.
I will check the site each day to reply.
I hope you find this site useful and informative.
Support Class period 1, Room 49
My after school help will be on Monday in room 49 at 2:05 -2:45 (be on time and sign in the book)
Support class is a graded class that gives you one credit towards graduation. It meets everyday. It is designed to accommodate Partnership Students in their understanding of 2 academic subjects. (Algebra & Earth Science)
Expectations:Be in class on time; before the bell rings.
Bring all materials you need to begin assignments; ( binder, subject folders, 2 pens, 2 pencils and paper.)
Always have your assignment notebook. (You need to purchase it.)
Be RESPECTFUL toward each other, myself and the teaching assistant.
Raise your hand to be called upon.
Sit in your assigned seat daily.
Hats are not to be worn or carried around the school or classroom.
Cell phones are to be out of sight and off during the school day.
(They will be taken and given to the school principal)
After school detention will be assigned if any of these points become an issue.
*During Support Class we may do any of the following:
Check to see if everybody has the HW properly written down.
Begin with lessons.
Put Earth Science Regents problems on the board to go over.
Give extended time for a test or quiz;
(other iep accommodations)Give copies of class notes.
Start HW. I can help with it before they go home with it.
GRADING: Based on class participation, preparedness and attendance.