Friday, April 23, 2010

Mr. Lambert support page has been relocated

In October of 2009, I moved the Mr. Lambert Support page from this eblogger site to Face Book.
I found the social networking site to be very conducive to communicating with my students, athletes, other educators and parents.

With the advent of 3G technology everybody can get HW, test, quiz and note updates instantaneously using Face Book. We are virtually waling around with this new technology in our pockets in the form of "smart phones".

In the famous words of Neil Armstrong, while taking those first Precarious steps upon the moon, "That is one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind", I too am taking another step in Education; bringing it "beyond the brick and mortar."

Mr. Lambert

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Geo: No HW
Eng:read ch. 25 & 26 Write an editorial based on Mr. Underwoods editorial in the Maycomb Tribune following the death of Tom Robison. this is the quote in the book, " Likened it to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters & children" Use your own words to write your editorial. Here is an example of one from the NYT

Global: No HW

ES: Stellar evolution test tomorrow. study notes and ESRT

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Geo: Polygon and parallelogram quiz tomorrow
Eng: read ch. 24 of TKMB and write a paragraph summary.
Global: WWI test tomorrow
ES: Stellar evolution quiz on Friday

Friday, January 08, 2010

A lot of HW this weekend

Geo: complete Regents worksheet for Tuesday. Parallelogram test next week
Eng: Read Ch. 18 and summarize, also Read "Adult Conversation" handout and respond to the questions in 3 paragraphs.
Global: finish your in class essay (3 paragraphs) on if the US wanted to get involved in WWI, use handout to help formulate response.

ES: Read and take bullet notes for Ch. 21 in textbook.